Event Registration

Student Research Symposium
11/09/2024 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM CT


  • $15.00  -  Student Presenter (age 18+) - Register by October 11 to have your abstract considered
  • $5.00  -  Supporter (age 12+)
  • Free  -  Child (under 12)

Supporters: The fee will increase from $5 to $7 after November 3.

Presenters: After you register, you must email the following information to Jana Gedymin at jgedymin@riveredge.us by October 11 to have your abstract considered.
-Email subject line: RNC Abstract 2024_[your last name]
-250-500 word description of your research
-Name / pronouns
-School, major / focus
-Indicate graduate /undergraduate level
-Working title for presentation
-Preference for oral presentation (12 minutes) or poster

required fields